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Andrew Gordon, one of the the world’s most influential Japan scholars — and a former History Professor at Duke — will be returning to campus on Friday, April 26th for two events, a luncheon and public lecture. Gordon is the Lee and Juliet Folger Fund Professor of History at Harvard University and former Director of the Reischauer Institute for Japanese Studies. The Third Edition of his A Modern History of Japan (Oxford University Press) is just out, with new chapters on Japan’s “Lost Decades” and post 3.11.11 Japan.
This talk will introduce the Japan Disaster Digital Archive (or JDA).  This is a project launched by the Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies at Harvard, under Gordon’s direction, in collaboration with colleagues and organizations in Japan, as well as the Internet Archive in San Francisco. The archive is most accurately described as a network of archives, linked together through the JDA user interface. In addition to preserving the often ephemeral records made available in digital forms, and facilitating access to them, the project seeks to create a virtual public space where the distinction between creators and users of the archive diminishes or dissolves.  The talk will raise for discussion some of the possibilities as well as limits and challenges to this sort of endeavor more generally as well as in the case of Japan.  Attendees are encouraged to visit the archive in advance at
Light refreshments will be served. Free and open to the public.
Hosted by the Duke East Asia Nexus (DEAN) with support from the Asian/Pacific Studies Institute, the Department of History, the University/Cultural Fund, and the Department of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies.
DATE: April 26, 2012
LOCATION:  Old Trinity Room, West Union, Duke
TIME: 6:30-7:45pm

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