Faculty Publications
Faculty Publications
Here are some recent publications from our faculty. For more publications, please visit individual faculty members’ homepages (linked from their profiles on this site).
Anne Allison
- 2019. Permitted and Prohibited Desires: Mothers, Comics, and Censorship in Japan. New York: Routledge.
David R. Ambaras
- 2021. Amy Stanley, Hannah Shepherd, Sayaka Chatani, David Ambaras and Chelsea Szendi Schieder, “‘Contracting for Sex in the Pacific War’: The Case for Retraction on Grounds of Academic Misconduct,” The Asia-Pacific Journal | Japan Focus 19, Issue 5, Number 13 (March 1, 2021)
- 2021. Timothy Amos, Maren Ehlers, Anne McKnight, David Ambaras and Ian Neary, “Doing Violence to Buraku History: J. Mark Ramseyer’s Dangerous Inventions,” The Asia-Pacific Journal | Japan Focus 19, Issue 9, Number 9 (May 1, 2021)
- 2019 (with Kate McDonald). “What We’re Doing.” In David R. Ambaras and Kate McDonald, eds., Bodies and Structures: Deep-Mapping Modern East Asian History.
- 2019. “Border Controls, Migrant Networks, and People out of Place between Japan and China.” In David R. Ambaras and Kate McDonald, eds., Bodies and Structures: Deep-Mapping Modern East Asian History.
- 2019 (with Curtis Fletcher, Erik Loyer, and Kate McDonald). “Building a Multivocal Spatial History: Scalar and the Bodies and Structures Project (parts 1-3),” PLATFORM: A digital forum for conversations about buildings, spaces, and landscapes.
- 2018. Japan’s Imperial Underworlds: Intimate Encounters at the Borders of Empire. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Shortlisted for the International Convention of Asia Scholars ICAS Book Prize in the Humanities, 2019.
Barbara Ambros
- 2021 (with I.J. Miller). “(East) Asian Studies.” In M. Roscher, A. Krebber, and B. Mizelle, eds., Handbook of Historical Animal Studies. Munich: DeGruyter, 117–130.
- 2020. “Celebrating Creation and Commemorating Life: Ritualizing Pet Death in the U.S. and Japan.” In P. Stearns, ed., The Routledge History of Death since 1800. New York: Routledge, 460–480.
- 2019. “Partaking of Life: Buddhism, Meat-Eating, and Sacrificial Discourses of Gratitude in Contemporary Japan.” Religions 10: 279–300.
Cemil Aydin
- 2021. “Universalizing International Law via Caliphate Diplomacy: On Late Ottoman Strategies of Inclusion into the/a Eurocentric Imperial World Order.” In D. Motadel and H. Chehabi, eds., Struggles for Sovereignty: Non-European Powers in the Age of Empire. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- 2019. “Osmanlı Hilafetinin Uluslararası Siyasetin Kutsal ve Sekülerin Müphemliği (Ambivalence of Sacred and Secular in the International Politics of the Ottoman Caliphate).” Cogito, 94: 31-57.
- 2018. “Modern Muslim Cosmopolitanism between the Logics of Race and Empire.” In Cosmopolitanism in Conflict. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 113-145.
Jan Bardsley
- 2021. Maiko Masquerade: Crafting Geisha Girlhood in Japan. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
Inger Brodey
- 2022. “Austen’s Paradoxical Place in Indian Cinema.” In Austen in Asia. Eds. Kimiyo Ogawa and Tristanne Connolly. London: Palgrave McMillan UK.
Yunchuan Chen
- 2021. “Anaphor Reconstruction in Japanese Relative Clauses.” Language and Linguistics / 語言暨語言學 22, 2: 243–71.
- 2020. “Acquisition of Japanese Relative Clauses by L1 Chinese Learners: Evidence from Reflexive Pronoun Resolution.” Second Language Research.
- 2019. “Two Types of Possessive Passives in Japanese.” Concentric: Studies in Linguistics, 45, 2: 192–210.
Leo Ching
- 2019. Anti-Japan: The Politics of Sentiment in Postcolonial East Asia. Durham: Duke University Press.
- 2018. “Reconciliation otherwise: Intimacy, indigeneity, and the Taiwan difference.” Boundary 2 45, 3 : 27–44.
Marc Driscoll
- 2022. “Terrorism against Modernity: The Amaksu Incident and Japan’s Age of Terror,” in C. Dietze and C. Verhoeven, eds., The Oxford Handbook of the History of Terrorism. New York: Oxford University Press.
- 2020. The Whites Are Enemies of Heaven: Climate Caucasianism and Ecological Protection in Asia. Durham: Duke University Press.
- 2019. “Your Place or My Place? A Question from the Margins of the Japanese Empire.” Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 79, 1: 257-264.
Elizabeth Havice
- 2021 (with M. Marschke er al.). “COVID-19, Instability and Migrant Fish Workers in Asia.” Maritime Studies 20, 1: 87-99.
- 2018. “Unsettled Sovereignty and the Sea: Mobilities and More-Than-Territorial Configurations of State Power.” Annals of the American Association of Geographers 108, 5: 1280-1297.
- 2018 (with L. Campling). “The Global Environmental Politics and Political Economy of Seafood Systems.” Global Environmental Politics 18, 2: 72-92.
Richard Jaffe
- 2019. Seeking Sakyamuni: South Asia in the Formation of Modern Japanese Buddhism. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
- 2018. “D. T. Suzuki and the Two Cranes: American Philanthropy and Suzuki’s Global Agenda.” Matsugaoka Bunko Kenkyū Nenpō 32: 29–58.
Naoko Kurokawa
- 2018 (with Mari Mori and Gordon Worley). “Speculation on the naming of Moyamoya disease.” Journal of Neuroradiology 45, 4: 261–62.
Nayoung Aimee Kwon
- 2021 (edited with Takushi Odagiri and Moonim Baek). Theorizing Colonial Cinema: Reframing Production, Circulation, and Consumption of Film in Asia. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
- 2021. Ch’inmilhan Cheguk. Translated by Jin-gyu Kim, Ahyoung In, and Ki-in Chong. Seoul: Somyong Press.
- 2020. “The Figure of the Translator: Kim Saryang between Korean and Japanese Literatures.” In Routledge Handbook of Modern Korean Literature. London and New York: Routledge: 215-224.
- 2019. “Transcolonial Mis en Abyme.” In Rediscovering Korean Cinema. Ann Arbor: Michigan University Press.
- 2018. “Japanophone Literature? A Transpacific Query on Absence.” Mfs: Modern Fiction Studies 64, 3.
- 2017. “Disavowal and Intimacy.” Sanghŏ Hakpo 49, 1.
Jessica Liao
- 2021 (with Saori N. Katada). “Institutions, Ideation, and Diffusion of Japan’s and China’s Overseas Infrastructure Promotion Policies.” New Political Economy.
- 2021. “Confronting China’s and the United States’ ASEAN Policies.” In ASEAN in a Changing World, ed. Agata Ziętek and Grzegorz Gil. New York: Peter Lang.
- 2021. “China’s Green Mercantilism and Environmental Governance: A New Belt and Road to the Global South?” Wilson Center China Fellow Report. Washington, DC.
- 2020. “The Club-based Climate Regime and OECD Negotiations on Restricting Coal-fired Power Export Finance.” Global Policy.
- 2020 (with Saori N. Katada). “Geoeconomics, easy money, and political opportunism: the Perils under China and Japan’s high-Speed rail competition.” Contemporary Politics 27, 1: 1-22.
- 2020 (with Saori N. Katada). “China and Japan in pursuit of Infrastructure Development Leadership Competition or Convergence?” Global Governance 26, 3: 449–472.
- 2019 (with Ngoc-Tram Dang). “The nexus of security and economic hedging: Vietnam’s strategic response to Japan–China infrastructure financing competition.” The Pacific Review 33, 3-4: 669-696.
- 2019. “A Good Neighbor of Bad Governance? China’s Energy and Mining Development in Southeast Asia.” Journal of Contemporary China 28, 118: 575-591.
Levi McLaughlin
- 2020 (with Aike P. Rots, Jolyon B. Thomas, and Chika Watanabe). “Why Scholars of Religion Must Investigate the Corporate Form.” Journal of the American Academy of Religion 88, 3: 693-725.
- 2020. “Japanese Religious Responses to COVID-19: A Preliminary Report.” The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus 18, 9, 3.
- 2019. Soka Gakkai’s Human Revolution: The Rise of a Mimetic Nation in Modern Japan. Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press.
Christopher Nelson
- 2019 (with B. Weiss and H. Paxson). “Editors’ Introduction.” Cultural Anthropology 34, 1: 1-2.
- 2018 (with B. Weiss and H. Paxson). “How Cultural Anthropology Operates.” Cultural Anthropology (Fieldsites): 1456.
Simon Partner
- 2020. “Bombing the City: Civilian Accounts of the Air War in Britain and Japan, 1939-1945.” Journal of Japanese Studies 46, 1: 195–99.
- 2018. “Japan’s global peace moment.” Japan Forum 30, 4: 543–63.
- 2017. The Merchant’s Tale Yokohama and the Transformation of Japan. New York: Columbia University Press.
Morgan Pitelka
- 2022. Reading Medieval Ruins: Urban Life and Destruction in Sixteenth-Century Japan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- 2022. “The Reception of Korean Ceramics in Japan (1537-1647).” A resource for the online exhibition “Stories of Clay: Discovering Choson Korean Potters in Tokugawa Japan.”
- 2021 (with R. Tanimura and T. Masuda). Letters from Japan’s Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries: The Correspondence of Warlords, Tea, Masters, Zen Priests, and Aristocrats. Berkeley, CA: Institute for East Asian Studies.
- 2021. “The Life and Afterlife of Tokugawa Ieyasu (1543-1616).” In The Tokugawa World, eds. Gary P. Leupp and De-min Tao. New York: Routledge.
- 2019. “Name and Fame: Material Objects as Authority, Security, and Legacy.” in What is a Family? Answers from Early Modern Japan, eds., M.E. Berry and M. Yonemoto. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
- 2018 (editor). Japanese Art: Critical and Primary Sources. 4 vols. Material Cultures; Visual Cultures; Printed Matter; and Sites and Patrons, Knowledge and Power. London: Bloomsbury.
- 2017. “The Return of Seduction.” Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 77, 2: 153-163.
- 2017. “Chinese Ceramics and Warrior Sociability in Sixteenth-Century Japan.” In Around Chigusa: Tea and the Arts of Sixteenth-Century Japan, eds. Dora Ching, Louise Cort, and Andrew Watsky. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
- 2017. “Form and Function: Tea Bowls and the Problem of Zen in Chanoyu.” In Zen and Material Culture, eds. Pamela D. Winfield and Steven Heine. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Jennifer Smith
- 2020. “From Experiment Results to a Constraint Hierarchy with the ‘Rank Centrality’ Algorithm.” Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America 5: 144-149.
- 2019. “Nonce-loan Judgments and Impossible-Nativization Effects in Japanese.” Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America 4: 26.
- 2018. “Stratified Faithfulness in Harmonic Grammar and Emergent Core-periphery Structure.” In Hana-bana: A Festschrift for Junko Ito and Armin Mester, eds. R. Bennett et al. University of California Santa Cruz.
Eika Tai
- 2020. Comfort Women Activism: Critical Voices from the Perpetrator State. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.